Original Batiks

All these original Batik Paintings are available for purchase. My batiks are all on cotton fabric, where I have applied wax to resist consecutive washes of dyes. They are all framed, some with museum non-reflective UV70 glass. There are a couple of original batik paintings which I have framed without glass. The information about each batik is mentioned below each painting. Please contact me on rosi@rosirobinson.com if you'd like me to send you a photo of the framed work.

Tools of My Trade (Batik)

Tools of My Trade (Batik)

A Flotilla of Gondolas

A Flotilla of Gondolas

A Trio of Boats batik painting

A Trio of Boats batik painting

Raindrops keep Falling.....

Raindrops keep Falling.....

Reflections of Trees

Reflections of Trees

Spectators Afloat at Henley Regatta

Spectators Afloat at Henley Regatta

Red Barn

Red Barn

Clambering Over The Downs

Clambering Over The Downs

Batik original is sold. Prints are available.

Sea Spray

Sea Spray

Batik original is sold. Prints are available.